How to Removing Standard Boost Support?


Standard boost support refers to the built-in turbo boost feature provided by the manufacturer in many electronic devices. While it enhances performance, some users may prefer to remove or disable it for various reasons. This article serves as a comprehensive guide on removing standard boost support, discussing the pros and cons of doing so, and addressing frequently asked questions to help you make an informed decision.

Pros of Removing Standard Boost Support:

Temperature Control:

Disabling standard boost support can help manage and reduce device temperatures, especially during intense usage. By removing the turbo boost feature, the device operates at a lower frequency, reducing heat generation and potentially extending the lifespan of internal components.

Power Efficiency:

Turbo boost often leads to increased power consumption, which can be a concern for users looking to conserve battery life or reduce energy usage. Removing standard boost support allows the device to operate at a lower power level, leading to improved power efficiency.

Noise Reduction:

Turbo boost can cause the device’s fans to spin faster, resulting in increased noise levels. Removing boost support can help minimize fan noise, creating a quieter computing experience, which is particularly beneficial for users who value a peaceful environment.

How to Remove Standard Boost Support:

Removing standard boost support typically involves adjusting settings within the device’s operating system. Please note that the specific steps may vary depending on the device and operating system. Here is a general guide:

Access the Power Settings:

Open the Control Panel or System Preferences on your device and navigate to the power or energy settings.

Locate the Turbo Boost Setting:

Look for an option related to turbo boost or processor performance. It may be listed as “Turbo Boost,” “Intel Turbo Boost,” or something similar.

Disable Turbo Boost:

  • Uncheck or disable the turbo boost option. This action varies depending on the operating system and device, but it typically involves clicking a checkbox or selecting an appropriate power mode.
  • Save and Apply Changes: Save the changes made to the power settings and exit the control panel or system preferences.

Restart the Device:

Restart the device to ensure that the changes take effect.

Cons of Removing Standard Boost Support:

Performance Reduction:

Disabling turbo boost will limit the device’s ability to achieve peak performance. Some applications and tasks may experience a decrease in speed or responsiveness, particularly those that rely heavily on single-core performance or require short bursts of high processing power.

Limited Boost Capabilities:

Turbo boost provides a performance boost when necessary, allowing the device to handle demanding tasks more efficiently. By removing this feature, the device operates at a constant frequency, which can limit its ability to handle resource-intensive applications effectively.

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Compatibility Issues:

Some software and applications may rely on turbo boost or assume its presence. Disabling boost support could potentially lead to compatibility issues or unexpected behavior with certain programs.

Removing Standard Boost Support

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Can I re-enable turbo boost after disabling it?

Yes, you can re-enable turbo boost by following the same steps and enabling the turbo boost option in the device’s power settings.

Will disabling turbo boost extend battery life?

Yes, disabling turbo boost can improve battery life as it reduces power consumption. However, the actual impact on battery life may vary depending on the device, usage patterns, and other factors.

Can I disable boost support on all devices?

No, not all devices allow users to disable turbo boost. It depends on the device’s manufacturer and the specific settings provided in the operating system.


Removing standard boost support can provide advantages such as temperature control, power efficiency, and noise reduction. By following the general steps outlined in this guide, you can disable turbo boost on your device. However, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks, including reduced performance and compatibility issues. Evaluate your specific needs and preferences to determine if removing standard boost support aligns with your goals and enhances your overall user experience.


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