How To Sew A Button

The Best Way To Sew a Button

how to sew a button

Sewing a button is a fundamental skill that every person should have in their repertoire. Whether it’s a missing shirt button, a loose trouser button, or a decorative button on a garment, knowing how to sew on a button can save you from wardrobe malfunctions. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the best way to sew a button, covering different types of buttons, sewing techniques, and expert advice.

How to Sew a Button

Sewing on a button may seem like a simple task, but doing it the right way ensures a strong and durable hold. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you master the art of button sewing:

Gather Your Supplies:

  • Select a suitable button for your garment.
  • Choose a strong thread, preferably a purpose polyester thread.
  • Ensure you have a sharp needle for hand sewing or use a sewing machine with a suitable foot for button sewing.
  • Have a pair of scissors, an ink fabric pen, and a bit of fabric on hand.

Mark Button Placement:

  • Use an ink fabric pen to mark the button placement on your garment. Ensure the placement is symmetrical and aligns with existing buttons if applicable.

Thread Preparation:

  • Cut a 12-inch length of thread and double-knot one end.
  • For sewing machines, load the bobbin with the chosen thread.

Button Attachment:

how to sew a button
  • For 4-hole buttons, start by threading the needle from the underside to the top, going through one of the holes.
  • Repeat the process for the adjacent hole, creating a parallel thread pattern.
  • For shank buttons, make a loop of thread around the shank, securing it tightly.

Secure the Button:

  • After passing the needle through the button a couple of times, create a double knot on the underside to ensure the button stays in place.

Clip Thread Tails:

  • Use scissors to clip any excess thread, leaving a neat finish.

Button Shank (Optional):

  • If you’re sewing on a button with a shank, follow the same steps but pay extra attention to securing the shank tightly.

Final Check:

  • Ensure the button is securely attached and sits flat against the fabric.


  • When sewing buttons on heavy coat buttons, make sure to use a heavy-duty thread for added strength.
  • For decorative buttons, consider using a contrasting thread to make the button a statement piece on your garment.


  • Avoid pulling the thread too tight, as it may cause the fabric to pucker.
  • Be cautious with delicate fabrics to prevent tearing.


mastering the art of button sewing is a valuable and easy-to-learn skill. Whether you’re repairing a buttonhole diagonal or adding statement buttons to your favorite shirt, following these simple steps will save you precious time and ensure your garments stay in top condition. Happy button sewing!


What types of buttons are suitable for sewing?

There are several types of buttons suitable for sewing, including 2-hole flat buttons, 4-hole buttons, shank buttons, and domed buttons. The choice depends on the garment’s design and the desired functionality.

Is there a specific thread I should use for button sewing?

Yes, it’s recommended to use a purpose polyester thread for button sewing. This type of thread is known for its strength and durability, ensuring a secure hold for your buttons.

How do I sew buttons on thicker fabrics, like heavy coats?

When sewing buttons on thicker fabrics, use a heavy-duty thread and a strong needle. This ensures that the button is securely attached and can withstand the additional strain that may come with heavier materials.

Can I use a sewing machine for button sewing?

Yes, you can use a sewing machine for button sewing. Make sure to use a suitable foot for button sewing, and follow the machine’s pre-programmed button sewing stitch for optimal results.

Are there any alternatives to hand-sewing buttons?

Yes, if you prefer a no-sew option, there are pre-programmed button sewing stitches available on sewing machines. Additionally, some garments come with spare buttons and pre-programmed stitches for easy replacement.

Can I use decorative thread for sewing buttons?

Yes, using decorative thread for sewing buttons can add a unique touch to your garment. Consider choosing a thread color that complements or contrasts with the fabric to create a visually appealing result.


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