Comprehensive Guide, On Nuances Of Pickleball Scoring

Pickleball, a sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, has been gaining popularity across various age groups due to its accessibility and social nature. One of the most critical aspects of the game is understanding how to score properly. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the nuances of pickleball scoring, helping both beginners and intermediate players grasp the game’s scoring mechanics.

Understanding the Basics

On Nuances Of Pickleball Scoring

Pickleball is typically played as singles or doubles on a court similar to a badminton court. The game begins with an underhand serve from the right service square diagonally to the opponent’s right service square. The serving side continues to serve until they commit a fault, at which point the service passes to the other side.


To serve in pickleball, you must hit the ball underhand and ensure it travels diagonally across the court, landing in the opponent’s service box. The server’s score will determine from which side they serve:

If the server’s score is even, they will serve from the right side.

If the server’s score is odd, they will serve from the left side.

Double Bounce Rule

The double bounce rule requires that the ball must bounce once on each side before players can volley the ball (hit it out of the air). This rule is crucial as it prevents the serving side from rushing the net and dominating play.

Scoring in Pickleball

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Pickleball has a unique scoring system, and understanding it is vital for success in the game. Here’s how it works:

Scoring Points

Points in pickleball can only be scored by the serving side. When the serving team wins a rally, they earn a point, and the server moves to the other side of the court for the next serve. If the serving team loses the rally, the serve passes to the next player or the other team (in doubles).

Keeping Track of the Score

The score in pickleball is called out in three numbers:

The serving team’s score

The receiving team’s score

The server number (in doubles)

For example, a score announcement might sound like “4-2-2,” indicating that the serving team has 4 points, the receiving team has 2 points, and the second player in the serving team is serving.

Winning the Game

A standard game of pickleball is played to 11 points, but a team must win by at least two points. In tournament play, games can sometimes be played to 15 or 21 points, but the two-point victory margin still applies.

Strategies for Scoring

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Understanding how to score in pickleball is one thing, but developing strategies to maximize your scoring potential is another. Here are some tips to help you score more points:

Serve Effectively

A strong, well-placed serve can put immediate pressure on your opponents and set you up for an easier return. Practice serving deep into the opponent’s court and mixing up your serves to keep your opponents guessing.

Master the Soft Game

Pickleball is known for its soft game, particularly the dink shot, which is a soft shot hit into the opponent’s non-volley zone. Mastering this shot can help you outmaneuver your opponents and set up more offensive opportunities.

Exploit Your Opponent’s Weaknesses

Pay attention to your opponent’s weaknesses and target them. This could be a weaker backhand, difficulty with deep shots, or a lack of mobility. Use your shots strategically to exploit these weaknesses.

Stay Consistent

Minimizing unforced errors is key in pickleball. Work on your consistency, making sure you can keep the ball in play and wait for your opponents to make mistakes.

Common Scoring Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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Pickleball’s unique scoring system can lead to confusion, especially for beginners. Here are some common scoring mistakes and tips on how to avoid them:

Losing Track of the Score

It’s easy to lose track of the score in the heat of the game. Make a habit of confirming the score with your opponents before each serve to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Server Rotation Errors

In doubles, it’s important to rotate servers correctly. Ensure you and your partner are clear on who is serving next and from which side to avoid faults.

Misunderstanding the Double Bounce Rule

New players often forget the double bounce rule, leading to faults. Remember, the ball must bounce once on each side before volleys are allowed.


Mastering the art of scoring in pickleball requires practice, attention to detail, and a strategic mindset. By understanding the basics, mastering the scoring system, developing effective strategies

FAQ (How to Score Pickleball)

How do you start a game of pickleball?

A game of pickleball begins with the player in the right service court serving underhand diagonally to the opponent’s right service court. If you’re playing doubles, the player on the right side serves first.

Can both players on a doubles team serve?

Yes, both players on a doubles team have the opportunity to serve, but the first service of a game is made by just one player. After that, each player on a team serves in turn when their side scores a point, alternating between the right and left service courts.

How do you keep score in pickleball?

Pickleball uses a unique three-number scoring system. When calling the score, the server announces:
The serving team’s score
The receiving team’s score
In doubles, the server number (1 or 2)

Can you score points if you’re not serving?

No, only the serving side can score points in pickleball. If the serving side wins a rally, they score a point. If the receiving side wins the rally, they earn the right to serve

How do you win a game of pickleball?

A standard game of pickleball is played to 11 points, but a team must win by at least a two-point margin. Some tournament games may be played to 15 or 21 points, but the two-point victory margin still applies.

How does serving work in doubles pickleball?

In doubles pickleball, both players on a team have the opportunity to serve, alternating each time their team scores a point. The team continues to serve until they commit a fault, at which point the service passes to the other team.

What is the double bounce rule?

The double bounce rule requires that the ball must bounce once on each side of the net before players can volley (hit the ball out of the air) on a serve. This prevents the serving side from gaining an unfair advantage by rushing the net.

Do I have to serve from a specific side of the court?

Yes, your position for serving depends on your team’s score. If your score is even, you serve from the right service court. If your score is odd, you serve from the left service court.

What happens if the ball lands on the line during a serve?

If the ball lands on any line of the service court during a serve (except the non-volley zone line), it is considered in and the serve is good. If it lands on the non-volley zone line, it is a fault.

Can I hit the ball out of the air during a serve?

No, you must let the ball bounce once on your side of the court before returning a serve due to the double bounce rule. After the ball has bounced once on each side, players may then hit the ball out of the air.


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